Stem Cell Storage Cost Australia

Stem cell storage cost australia

Stem cell banking has certainly started to gather momentum in many countries including Australia. An increasing number of parents who are expecting a baby in the near future are researching their options and finding out all they can about the procedure and what it could mean for the future. They also want to know about the procedure itself and importantly, the stem cell storage cost Australia.

Stem Cell Storage Cost Australia

What are the Stem Cell Storage Cost Australia

Here we bring you all the important information…

What is stem cell storage?

The blood found in the umbilical cord which joins a pregnant woman and her unborn baby is very precious as it is rich in haematopoietic stem cells.

These stem cells are capable of developing into different types of blood cells. These cells are found in organs such as the heart, bone and muscle. Stem cells can also develop into nerve cells.

This ability means that the stem cells can be transplanted to help effectively treat more than 70 different serious illnesses.

‘Cord blood’ is the name given to the blood that is found in the umbilical cord. Until recently, after the delivery of the baby, the umbilical cord was clamped and cut, and the cord was discarded. However, scientists have found that the cord blood can be collected and frozen for future use.

The blood is stored in a private blood bank in case the baby or their siblings should need a stem cell transplant in the future. Cord blood can also be donated to a public blood bank to help treat other children and adults.

Why consider stem cell storage?

why consider stem cell storageBanking cord blood is like an insurance for your baby and their siblings. If any of them need a stem cell transplant in the future to fight a potentially fatal illness the cord blood can be used.

The blood will be a perfect match for the baby whose cord blood has been stored. In addition, it will be a good enough match for the blood to be transplanted to their siblings.

The stem cells can be transplanted to effectively treat a range of serious illnesses including some cancers.

Recently, babies have received transplants of their own cord blood –

‘In clinical trials to develop therapies for cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus (fluid in the brain), oxygen deprivation at birth, traumatic brain injury, sensorineural hearing loss and Type 1 (juvenile) diabetes. Research is still needed before these therapies are accepted and implemented’.

It is well worth considering stem cell banking if a particular illness does run in your family that can be treated with a stem cell transplant.

These include some cancers and immune deficiency diseases where your family is at greater risk than the general population. Some parents find private blood banking reassuring – particularly if they have several children or plan to add to their family.

Banking cord blood can also be beneficial if the mother has a history of complications in pregnancy that could cause premature birth.

Babies born prematurely sometimes develop health problems. Scientists are currently researching how the child’s own cord blood can be successfully used to treat them.

How is the cord blood collected?

Stem cell storage cost in AustraliaIf a couple decides that they would like the cord blood from their baby collected, it is essential that they organise this in advance of their baby’s birth.

Whether they want to have the cord blood stored in a private blood bank or donated to a public blood bank, this must be arranged in advance. Not all hospitals have the facilities to collect cord blood.

Once the baby has been delivered, the doctor/ midwife clamps the umbilical cord in two places – about 25cm apart. This procedure separates the baby from their mother. It is completely safe and pain-free.

In the past, at this stage, the umbilical cord- along with the placenta – would be discarded. After the cut section of umbilical cord is removed, a needle is inserted into the cord and the stem blood is quickly collected. The amount of stem blood collected is about 45 millilitres.

Nicola Madigan on the newborn baby website describes the final stage –

‘It’s easy to arrange your cord blood and tissue collection. Once signed up you will be sent a collection kit that you take to the hospital. At the time of birth, your Cell Care Collector or Obstetrician will collect the cord blood and tissue. The collection process takes about 5 minutes and is painless to mother and baby’.

Once collected, the blood and tissue are then couriered to a specialised laboratory and storage facility. At the laboratory, the plasma is removed and the remaining cells, including stem cells, are cryogenic ally stored at -196 C’.

What are the risks involved?

Collecting cord blood is completely safe and pain-free. It usually takes less than ten minutes.

Stem cell storage cost Australia – What are the costs?

cost of stem cell storage in AustraliaPrivate stem cell storage cost Australia is reasonable when compared to storage costs in USA.

For a fee, one of the Australian private cord blood banks will collect, process, freeze and store cell-rich umbilical cord blood for future medical use.

The Australian cord-blood storage companies charge on average about $3,000 to store one unit of cord blood for a period of 18 years.

Stemlife is one of the Australian cord blood storage companies. It says cord blood storage provides-

“a safe, ethical and affordable solution to those parents who want to take advantage of a once in a lifetime opportunity”.

As cord-blood storage is not cheap, the private cord blood banks do offer a variety of payment plans as well as discounts on pre-paid plans.

According to, there is the opportunity to pay interest-free instalments over a few months. Alternatively, there is the option for a longer repayment plan with a monthly payment of $145 a month, spread over two years, which will come to a total cost of about $3,500.

Another option is to –

‘You can also pay a first-year processing fee that ranges from about $1,750 to $2,780. Following this payment, you would then pay an annual storage cost of about $100 to $175 for each year you choose to continue storage’.

As well as stem cell storage, there is the opportunity to store cord tissue as well as blood and there is an extra cost for this.

Who to contact to find out more –

With time on your side, it is well worth starting to research whether your local hospital can collect cord blood and whether it can be transferred to your chosen private blood bank.

This website provides guidance on how to choose the right private blood bank for you.

Final Thoughts – Stem cell storage cost Australia

Stem cell banking is gaining momentum in Australia, prompting expectant parents to research the procedure and its potential benefits. An important aspect of this exploration is understanding the stem cell collection procedure and the associated stem cell storage cost Australia.


Why Banking Cord Blood for Siblings Matters (Pros and Cons)

Cord Blood For Siblings

Blood from the umbilical cord from one child is the potential life saving treatment for their siblings. The first cord blood stem cell transplant was in 1988 when one sibling received stem cells from the other to treat their Fanconi Anaemia. Since then, there has been much research worldwide to establish the effectiveness of using stems cells from the cord blood for siblings.

Researchers believe that the stem cells can successfully treat more than 80 serious illnesses such as sickle cell anaemia and leukaemia.

The outlook is very optimistic. Siblings are genetically close and banking the cord blood from one sibling will be a 100% match for themselves in the future and up to a 75% match for their sibling.

Cord Blood For Siblings

Should You Bank Cord Blood for Siblings

When can cord blood really make the difference?

Cord blood has many bonuses including the fact that it rarely contains any infectious diseases. Also it is much more likely to be accepted by the recipient’s body than adult stem cells plus –

‘ The fluid is easy to collect and has 10 times more stem cells than those collected from bone marrow.’

There are a number of medical conditions that can be successfully treated with stem cells, but It is critical that the stem cells used are a close match.

The stem cells are infused into the patient’s bloodstream, where they change into the necessary cells to boost the body’s immune system. This is so that it can effectively fight the disease and repair or replace any badly damaged cells so that the patient recovers.

when can cord blood be used for siblingsFor stem cells in the umbilical cord blood to be compatible it must contain certain proteins (genes). These are called called HLA markers (Human Leukocyte Antigens).

These HLAs are passed on genetically by a baby’s parents, with half the genes being inherited from the mother and the other half, from the father.

A good genetic match is essential if the stem cells are going to be accepted by the recipient body’s immune system.

Using the stem cells donated by a sibling is ideal because genetically the match between siblings is the closest. Whilst a perfect match is the most ideal situation, some stem cell treatments can be successful even if there is not a 100% match.

Are there any problems using cord blood of siblings?

While siblings’ blood offers a much better chance of being a close match, the children must be ‘whole’ brothers and sisters and not ‘half’ as this reduces the chance of a good match.

Whole siblings have a 25% that they will be a complete match and a 50% chance of being a 50% match. Interestingly, they also have a 25% chance that they do not match at all.

When can cord blood be used for siblings?

should I bank cord blood for siblingsStem cells from cord blood can be used for the newborn baby or their siblings. Some serious illnesses can only be treated with the child’s own cord blood. This is known as ‘autologus’. Other illnesses need to be treated with the stem cells from the cord blood of a sibling which is called ‘allogenic’.

The range of conditions that can be treated allogenically include leukaemia and lymphoma and cancers.

There is a third type of transplant which is known as a ‘Haploidentical transplant’. This type of transplant is becoming very common because for it to be successful, there only needs to be a 50% match between donor and recipient. Thus making it possible for the donor to be a parent, child or sibling.

Cord blood is just one of three sources of blood-forming stem cells that surgeons use in transplants. Bone marrow is also used and ‘peripheral’ blood, which is blood that circulates throughout the body.

Cord blood for siblings is favoured because it carries a much lower chance of developing GVHD – graft-versus-host disease. The Miracle Cord website explains that this is a very serious condition that occurs when the healthy cells in the donor tissue attack the immunocompromised cells in the body of the recipient.

If this occurs, there is nearly 50% chance that the patient will die. Miracle Cord also quotes the important statistic that children having a transplant using blood matched from a sibling have less than a 10% chance of developing GVHD.

Is it still best to bank cord blood for each of my children?

problems with cord blood for siblingsIt is important to consider banking cord blood for each of your children, especially if your family has a history of any medical conditions that can be successfully treated with stem blood cells.

The reason for this is that there is the chance that your children – even if they are full brothers and sisters – may not be good matches.

Although banking cord blood for siblings is not cheap, it will definitely give you the peace of mind that you are safeguarding each of your children against more that 80 known serious medical conditions that can be treated by an infusion of cord blood stem cells.

Miracle cord explains how the chances of a good match increase too –

‘The more siblings with banked cord blood, the more chance you have of finding a match for transplants or other therapies for which sibling stem cells are an option or in fact required.

The probability of finding an HLA-identical sibling donor depends on the number of siblings: While the likelihood of a perfect match is 25% for patients with one sibling, it goes up to 44% for those with two siblings, 58% for those with three, 68% for those with four, and up to 90% for patients with eight siblings’.

Final Thoughts – Cord Blood For Siblings

Certainly, the discussion about cord blood and its uses will continue for many years to come. However, one point that researchers are delighted to have found is that cord blood can be very beneficial for siblings with a serious medical condition that can be treated with stem cells…



Can Cord Blood Cure Leukemia? (Debunking The Myths)

Can stem cells cure leukemia

Blood transplants using the blood collected from the umbilical cords of newly born babies has been successfully performed since the early 1990s. It is known that more that 70 serious illnesses can be successfully treated with stem cell transplants. Can cord blood cure leukemia?

The answer to this important question is a resounding ‘yes’. To date there have been thousands of cord blood transplants. Many of them have been to treat cancers like leukemias and lymphoma plus other blood disorders including sickle cell anaemia and other rare anaemias. .

What is leukemia?

There are a number of different types of leukemia. Some types are more common in children, whilst other types are found mainly in adults –

‘Leukemia is cancer of the body’s blood-forming tissues, including the bone marrow and the lymphatic system.

Leukemia usually involves the white blood cells. Your white blood cells are potent infection fighters — they normally grow and divide in an orderly way, as your body needs them. But in people with leukemia, the bone marrow produces an excessive amount of abnormal white blood cells, which don’t function properly.

Treatment for leukemia can be complex — depending on the type of leukemia and other factors’. Source

The Mayo Clinic website a describes the main different types of leukemia –

  • Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL). This is the most common type of leukemia in young children. ALL can also occur in adults.
  • Acute myelogenous leukemia (AML). AML is a common type of leukemia. It occurs in children and adults. AML is the most common type of acute leukemia in adults.
  • Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). With CLL, the most common chronic adult leukemia, you may feel well for years without needing treatment.
  • Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). This type of leukemia mainly affects adults. A person with CML may have few or no symptoms for months or years before entering a phase in which the leukemia cells grow more quickly.
  • Other types. Other, rarer types of leukemia exist, including hairy cell leukemia, myelodysplastic syndromes and myeloproliferative disorders.

At present, it is not known exactly what causes leukemia but scientists believe that both genetic and environmental factors play a role. So let’s look more at can cord blood cure leukemia?

How is leukemia treated?

Can cord blood cure leukemia successfully

There are a variety of different treatments including chemotherapy, radiotherapy and targeted drug therapy. Stem cell transplants are also used. The transplanted stem cells are used to replace unhealthy bone marrow.

The transplanted cells are healthy and do not have leukemia and they will develop into healthy bone marrow cells as the stem cells are able to develop into bone marrow cells as well as blood cells.

Often the leukemia producing bone marrow is destroyed by chemotherapy, prior to the stem cell transplant.

Why is cord blood good to use?

Scientists are regularly evaluating the performance of stem cell transplants from cord blood and those from bone marrow. They continually find that using cord blood for transplants brings many advantages.

Cord blood is richer in stem cells than bone marrow and peripheral blood stem cells so less blood is needed. It has also been proven that the recipients body is less likely to reject the cord blood than the bone marrow or peripheral blood stem cells.

Studies show that a transplant complication called graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is less common and less severe in patients after a cord blood transplant versus a transplant using peripheral blood stem cells (PBSC)’.

This is because the cord blood does not need to be as close a match as bone marrow. Thus making cord blood easier to use for patients with less common tissue types. Stem cells also have the ability to develop into a range of different types of cells.

The recipient of a cord blood stem cell transplant is also likely to fight the disease more effectively enabling them to live longer. Norton also states that –

‘ Today, 11% of transplant patients receive cord blood from an anonymous donor’.

If a child has stored cord blood and develops leukemia can their own blood be used?


Unfortunately, this is one very important point about a stem cell transplant to treat leukemia.

‘The important caveat is that children with leukemia or another blood disorder must receive a cord blood transplant from a donor, NOT their own cord blood. It turns out that when children and even adolescents develop leukemia, they were born with the genetic defect that triggered the leukemia… hence it is not safe to give them a transplant with their own cord blood because it probably carries the mutation for leukemia’. Source

When a stem cell transplant uses cord blood from an unrelated donor this is referred to as an “allogeneic transplant”. This is essential if the recipient has leukemia. For many other serious illnesses it is possible to use the stem cells from the patients own cord blood. This is referred to as an “autologous transplant”.

Transplant surgeons use donor stem cells for patients with leukemia because the stem cells are likely to fight the leukemia far more effectively than the patient’s own stem cells.

Can cord blood cure leukemia when a patient needs chemotherapy or radiotherapy?


The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society explains what happens in these circumstances –

‘Cancer treatment with very high-dose chemotherapy or radiation therapy may result in severe injury to blood-forming cells in marrow, the spongy material inside the centre of bones.

Certain patients with leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) or other blood cancers may benefit from high-dose chemotherapy or radiation therapy followed by stem cell transplantation’. Source

Final Thoughts – Can cord blood cure leukemia?

A diagnosis of leukemia can be devastating – not just for the patient – but for the whole family. A stem cell transplant brings with it great hope that the leukemia can be destroyed and the recipient can look forward to many happy years of life ahead of them. In this article we delved into the question can cord blood cure leukemia? It is reassuring to know that it can!

Know the Process of Stem Cell Collection at Birth

Stem Cell Collection at Birth

Cord blood is the blood remaining in the placenta and umbilical cord after your baby’s birth. Normally, cord blood is disposed of after birth, however it can be collected and stored, so if needed, it can be used in the future. In this article we will explain the stem cell collection at birth process.


What can Stem Cells from Cord Blood be Used for?

Stem cells are the building blocks of blood cells in our bodies. A rich source of them can be found in umbilical cord blood. Many blood disorders and conditions of the immune system can be treated with stem cells. Some of the most commonly treated diseases using stem cells are:

  • Immune deficiency
  • Leukemia
  • Blood diseases (eg aplastic anemia)
  • Metabolic disorders, whereby the process by which the body gets energy from food is disrupted
  • Thalassemia, a blood disease affecting the way the body makes hemoglobin

Medical science is still expanding. As new technologies are developed the range of diseases using umbilical cord blood will be expanded.


Stem Cell Collection at Birth Process

Stem Cell Collection at Birth Process

After the umbilical cord has been cut following either a vaginal or caesarean birth the stem cells can be collected. The process of collection is quick and painless for both baby and mother, and is performed by a trained obstetrician or midwife.

The blood is collected with the insertion of a needle into the umbilical cord vein attached to the placenta. The remaining blood in the umbilical cord and placenta is drained into a collection bag. This process takes about three minutes and can take place either before or after the placenta is delivered.

After collection, the umbilical cord blood is stored frozen, or banked, of future use.


Should I Delay Cord Clamping, then Collect the Cord Blood?

Delayed clamping is where the umbilical cord is not clamped or cut until after the placenta is delivered and after pulsations have ceased.

You are not able to delay clamping when collecting umbilical cord blood as the umbilical cord must be clamped early to capture the maximum number of stem cells.


What If I Wish to Donate My Baby’s Cord Blood?

Stem cell donations are welcomed. Stem cells can be used to help others, with a blood match, to treat life-threatening diseases. Donations also contribute to medical science.

If donated, the cord blood is no longer available for your family to use, it becomes the property of a public bank.

Participation in cord blood donation programs is entirely voluntary. There may be instances when cord blood collection cannot be guaranteed. These include:

  • When your blood isn’t suitable due to having a prior disease such as leukemia, or a genetic disorder.
  • Doctor/nurse priority is to provide optimal care to mother and baby. If circumstances arrive that prioritize this care, blood may not be collected.
  • Trained collection staff may not be available.
  • The hospital may not provide a cord blood collection service.
  • There may not be enough stem cells to warrant collecting.


What Happens After Stem Cell Collection at Birth?

  • Asked to complete a questionnaire about your health and family medical history.
  • Give a blood sample which is tested to determine eligibility.
  • Contacted six months later to check on the health and progress of your baby since the donation.

The information collected is required to ensure the safety of blood and cell products for use in the future.


Privacy of Information

All information you give in relation to stem cell collection at birth and your families medical history is kept private. You will be given a unique reference number that only the staff at the cord blood bank will have the ability to link with your personal details. All information identifying your baby and you is kept confidential and is not passed on to anyone other than you, your doctor and other healthcare professionals involved in your baby’s care.


Stem Cell Collection at Birth Private and Public Banking Options

There are two options available to parents, donating cord blood and private banking.


Donating to a Public Cord Blood Bank

If you select this option, donated cord blood is made available to all patients in need of a blood stem cell transplant. This may be to someone in your country, or from another.

There is no cost to the doner for collection or storage. The stem cells will not be kept specifically for your family’s use. In special circumstances, your baby’s stem cells may be made available for use by your baby or another family member.

Some countries, such as New Zealand, do not take public donations.


Private Umbilical Cord Blood Storage

This is where you bank your baby’s umbilical cord blood for potential use only by your baby or family member if they were ever to become ill. Keep in mind that many diseases cannot be treated with stem cells, especially if the disease is genetic in origin. Consider private cord blood banking as a health insurance policy. You have complete control of the stem cells.

Private cord blood banks charge a fee for collection and storage services. These fees and their services vary greatly from one bank to another. It is advisable to contact the banks and compare. You can use the services of a private cord bank, either from your own country or one from another country.


What are the Risks?

There are no risks to your baby, as the umbilical blood collection does not start until after the cord has been clamped and cut.

The risks to the mother are minor. There may be discomfort with having a blood sample taken. This may cause bruising and rarely, infection at the site.


For Australian residents further information on donating cord blood can be found at AusCord, (the Australian network of umbilical cord blood banks).

Cord Blood Banking New York

cord blood banking new york

Cord Blood Banking in New York

The cord blood rave had accelerated over the years, and one place that it gained ground was in New York. With the various establishment of cord blood banks in New York, citizens now choose between private and public cord blood banks. Cord blood banking New York options for expected parents are numerous, with several companies offering services.

Today, millions of people have accepted cord blood banking and have decided to make that initiative worthwhile. People living in New York are fortunate to have choice with umbilical cord blood services.

So, for those who want to venture into cord blood banks and reside in New York, preferred cord blood bank choice for their newborn baby stem cell storage would be discussed in this article. We would also look at some technicalities that families need to consider in dealing with banked blood and saving umbilical cord for stem cell collection at birth.

Companies That Offer The Service For People in New York and Environs

New York has one of the largest concentrations of cord blood banks globally, consisting of both the private and public sectors. This has made the option of choosing a straightforward one for most inhabitants of the city.

However, getting concrete information on the cord bank can be tricky, so we have provided some companies that offer the best services below. A detailed comparison between these companies and others is available on our website. We look at service, costs involved with cord blood banking, guarantees and standards.

Americord Private
Cord Blood Registry Private
ViaCord Private
Cryo-cell Private
 LifeBank Private
Stemcyte Private
New York Blood Center Public

Cost of Cord Blood Banking in New York

cord blood banking new york

Since cord blood banking, stem cell storage, and collection is lucrative in New York; the cost is not as cheap as in other states.

Most private cord blood banking in New York companies charge $5000 for stem cell collection and storage for 20 years with an upfront payment plan.

This plan allows you to pay once without any other charge. Also, other payment plans allow the family to pay around $1500 upfront and then pay annual storage fees of about $150-170.

Legalities and FDA Surrounding Cord Blood Bank 

When it comes to cord blood banking, the New York Bill passed in 2007 was initially passed to allow doctors to educate families on stem cell collection at birth. However, the bill was repealed in 2008, and currently, there are no laws guiding cord blood collection at birth in the state.

Concerning FDA regulations, all cord blood banks in New York are expected to follow the regulations required to run a cord blood bank. This helps protect the families and assures them of safety, so it’s essential to confirm if the cord blood bank has the right permit. 

Future of Cord Blood Banking New York

New York is the base of most cord blood banks in the US and would be a light bearer for cord blood banking. These cord blood banks are constantly researching to find more uses and functionalities of cord blood to better our well-being. So In a few years, we shouldn’t be surprised to see cord blood banking become a leading industry globally with New York as its base.

Frequently Asked Questions

·         Is it Possible To Donate Cord Blood in New York?

Donating your baby’s cord blood in New York is possible no matter which method you decide to undertake. New York has public cord blood banks that collect blood right from the hospitals.

·         Is Cord Blood Banking Cost-Effective in New York?

Cost-effectiveness is based on the type of bank you and your family have decided to use in cord blood banking. This is because several companies and cord blood banks have payment plans which differ and make the process easier for their clients.

·       Is it Important To Bank My Child’s Cord Blood?

The choice of banking your child’s umbilical cord blood depends on the reason and your intention. Many people undertake this process because it assures them of a backup in case of medical issues that might require stem cell transplant for any member of the family. Our viewers can explore further as to whether or not umbilical cord blood banking is worth it for families here.

Alternatives Near New York

For whatever reason, you might decide not to use a cord blood banking in New York service; then, you can also take a short trip to New Jersey. Several cord blood banks in New Jersey also provide excellent cord blood banking services. Many of these banks are licensed, but you can also check the registry for better confirmation. Alternatively, there are certainly many more options for those living elsewhere seeking an umbilical cord blood bank near to them.

Final Thoughts – Cord Blood Banking New York

In conclusion, New York may, over time, play a pivotal role in how far and well cord blood banking develops as ongoing research continues. The fact that cord blood is also gaining ground worldwide is a plus, and we love to see the possibility it holds.

4 Important Medical Benefits of Saving Umbilical Cord Blood

benefits of saving umbilical cord

With the recent surges in the number of people living with infectious diseases and the unpredictable occurrence of pandemics globally, insuring your life and that of your loved ones against infections and diseases is inarguably a top priority. With their unique therapeutic ability, the benefits of saving umbilical cord blood cannot be over-emphasized.

Cord blood cells provide the kind of protection needed to help fight against several diseases that adversely affect your body. 

There are elaborate, concise, and explanatory details on the benefits of saving stem cells in this content. This information will better orientate and give you undeniable reasons why practicing Cord blood storage is beneficial.

Different Medical Benefits of Saving Umbilical Cord Stem Cells

benefits of saving umbilical cord

Stem cells have unique regenerative features and are potent for treating various disorders, including leukemia, diabetes, heart diseases, blood diseases, etc. The use of stem cells to treat multiple ailments is advantageous, especially if you are among those who can’t bear the thought/idea of going through reconstructive surgery to alleviate chronic medical conditions.

We’re more than delighted to inform you that the benefits in line with umbilical cord blood cell treatment have significantly increased over the years. You have nothing to worry about because this section is geared towards shedding more light on cord blood benefits. 

·         Immune Deficiency

Nowadays, Immunodeficiency is a common health condition amongst people from all walks of life. It interrupts your body’s capability to defend itself against disease-causing organisms, including bacteria, viruses, and parasites. There are mainly two types of immunodeficiency disorders, namely primary and secondary Immunodeficiency.

The primary type is usually hereditary and is present during birth. In contrast, the second type often results from complications from using certain drugs or other primary disorders like diabetes or HIV. 

The ability of stem cells to regenerate makes it very effective in treating immune deficiencies. Moreover, stem cells possess the unique ability to regulate the immune system to shut off pathological responses while keeping their ability to fight against invading disease-causing organisms present in your body.

·         Leukemia

Leukemia is a medical condition referring to the loss of the original structure of the white blood cells. This condition affects the functionality of these cells, therefore exposing the body to germs and infections. It’s a form of blood cancer that makes the white blood cells in the bone marrow harmful to your body system.

Stem cells have profound effects in treating leukemia, and this is because stem cell transplants are used to replace cells in the bone marrow that have been affected by the actions of leukemia. Umbilical cord blood cell transplant is an excellent technique for tackling leukemia. 

·         Blood Diseases

Blood diseases generally refer to the infection of blood cells, especially the three main components of the blood. This includes red blood cells, which carry oxygen to all tissue in the body; white blood cells help fight against infections; and platelets, which allow the blood to clot.

Blood disorders are also responsible for the disease of the liquid portion of blood, called plasma. Symptoms associated with blood disorders include fatigue and indiscriminate loss of weight. Examples of this type of infection include anemia, hemophilia, thalassemia, polycythemia Vera, malaria, lymphoma, etc.

Stem cell therapy does a lot in helping to restore the most vital body fluid in the body system back to life, as the new cord blood cell, which is transplanted, can help find and destroy cancerous cells in the body, and in turn, help build up healthy blood cells. 

·         Metabolic Disorders

Metabolic disorders are considered to be among the deadliest diseases worldwide, and this is because it affects significant numbers of the global population. They are medical conditions usually present at birth and occurs when abnormal chemical reactions disrupt normal metabolic processes in your body.

They encompass deficiencies in enzymes involved in the breakdown and build-up of carbohydrates, amino acids, and fatty acids. The enzymatic actions on specific organs control metabolic activities and functional parts in your body.

Regenerating stem cells play beneficial and essential roles in treating any form of metabolic deficiency, which means that you may not have to undergo an organ transplant or other form of metabolic treatment to put your metabolism back in shape. Furthermore, stem cells transplants help to prevent post-surgical complications and reduce pain allied with surgical operation minimally. 

What’s Contained in an Umbilical Cord

The umbilical cord is a tube-like structure between the baby and mother. It helps to connect your baby to you through your placenta. The umbilical cord assists in the transport of nutrients and food materials from the mother to the baby.

It consists of three blood vessels– one vein that carries food and oxygen from the placenta to your baby and two arteries that function as a pathway in taking waste materials from your baby back to the placenta. 

The umbilical cord contains Wharton’s jelly; a gelatinous fluid essentially made up of mucopolysaccharide. The mucoid connective tissue forms around the two arteries and one vein of the umbilical cord.

Whose Stem Blood Is It (Mother or baby)

You may have always wanted to know whose stem blood would be collected and stored for treatment in the future; we’re happy to tell you that you’re covered on this and don’t need to worry any longer. The umbilical cord is part of the developing baby/fetus, and this, in turn, implies that the stem cells to be used belongs to the baby


Final Thoughts – Benefits of Saving Umbilical Cord Stem Cells 

Undoubtedly, after going through this section on benefits of saving umbilical cord blood, you would see that cord blood cells are beneficial and effective at treating significant numbers of deadly and infectious diseases in the body. Thus, stem cells play vital roles and help combat health issues in your body system.

Private cord blood banking whereby utilizing the benefits of saving umbilical cord blood for your direct family is available to expected parents through numerous cord blood banks. Donating your baby’s umbilical cord stem cells for medical science and to be available for other families in need, is a generous gesture, Public cord blood banks are common and most maternity hospitals will facilitate the process.

Public vs Private Cord Blood Banking- What’s Best for You?

public vs private cord blood banking

After making up your mind about collecting and storing your child’s cord blood in a cord blood bank, your thought would be, “which type of cord blood bank to go for?” This is another crucial process, deciding between public vs private cord blood banking and which is better suited for you.

Cord blood banks are of two major types: private and public cord blood banks, and your choice will be primarily affected by the underlying reasons your child’s cord blood wants to be collected and stored.

In this post, you’ll explore all relevant points to bear in mind, and this will, in turn, act as a compass in guiding you towards the best cord blood bank suitable for the collection and storage of your child’s cord blood.

What To Expect From Private And Public Blood Banking

public vs private cord blood banking

Having a keen knowledge of which blood bank to opt for while saving your child’s cord blood is of utmost importance. They both run on the same pretext and offers nearly the same kind of services. It’s a new idea and may appear strange if you haven’t heard of it, but don’t be troubled because you’re in the exact place to get more knowledge on this wonderful innovation.

Differences Between  Public And Private Cord Blood Banks

1. Private Cord Blood Bank

Private blood banks tend to deal with helping parents save their baby’s cord blood to help treat life-threatening ailments within the family. However, the services rendered by this kind of cord blood bank are expensive as they come with personalized packages.

Also, cord blood held in a private cord blood bank belongs to the donating family and can be taken out by them in the case of a transplant for any member of the family.

2. Public Cord Blood Banks

Public cord blood banks are open to the public and operate like any other public institution regarding how they render their services. They collect and store cord blood and make them available to the general public and come at little or no fee at all.


How Much Does My Choice Of Cord Blood Bank Cost Me?

·         Private blood bank

Private cord blood banks are expensive compared to public ones, and this is because you have the rites to the stem cells collected and can get immediate access to them if any member of the family needs a stem cell transplant. The collection and storage fee costs around $1200-2500 and attracts annual storage fees of about $100-350.

Also, since this kind of blood bank is privately run, you have to ensure that the blood bank to be used is suitable and meets all standards required for proper cord blood collection and storage.

·         Public blood bank

In contrast to private ones, public blood banks render their services to the donors for nothing, as the bank holds responsibility for all expenses during the collection and storage process.

Nevertheless, public banks aren’t responsible for any fees associated with transporting the stored cord blood to a medical facility if a transplant is needed.


What Do You Stand to Gain from Cord Blood Banking

·         Private blood bank

With the excellent packages offered by private blood banks, you’re bound to gain more. Your child’s cord blood can do a lot in the long run, as long as necessary procedures were followed while collecting and storing the cord blood.

After completing the procedures, the stored cord blood can be later used in treating a host of diseases in any member of the depositing family in the nearest future—this benefit aids in reducing the stress coupled with eligibility and compatibility.

·         Public blood bank

The nature of public cord blood banks makes cord blood collection and storage quite inexpensive because the bank bears the cost for cord collection and storage.

Also, since the cord blood deposited at the bank doesn’t belong to you, the likely chances of using the same stem cells in your child’s treatment are minimal.


Stem Cells Purposes

·         Private blood banks

The stem cells held with a private cord blood bank can be utilized, ensuring the quick and easy treatment of devastating diseases in the family. This, in turn, ensures your family’s safety—think of it as family insurance!


·         Public blood banks

Stem cells stored in public cord blood banks are mainly used to treat anyone from the public. Also, sometimes the donated cord blood may not meet standard requirements but can be used in conducting research. Parents will often donate umbilical cord blood as a service to others in need of life saving stem cells.

Laws Guiding Collection and Storage of Cord Blood

Most US states have legislation in line with the institute of medicine guidelines, which helps monitor all activities on cord blood banking. These legislations encourage physicians and medical personnel involved in cord blood banking to educate all expectant parents on all types of cord blood banking.


For many expectant parents, the news that cord blood cells can treat a host of diseases is a piece of joyous news. This procedure helps keep their minds at rest in case of any health-related complications in the family.

From here you may like to look comparing cord blood bank services and find a cord blood bank near you. They will have information packages and cord blood donating kits that you can request.

Is Cord Blood Banking Worth It? 5 Great Reasons to Say It Is

Is cord blood banking worth it

Is Cord Blood Banking: Is It Worth It?

Sometimes, your body system is disrupted by diseases or infections, affecting how your body functions. Your body may require treatment to restore the body system to its original healthy state, and these treatments may be in the form of a stem cell transplant. Let us consider the question, “Is cord blood banking worth it“?

Over the years, Cord blood banking proves to be a very beneficial method in ensuring health and has demonstrated its worth in treating devastating diseases. 

Through this article, we shall discuss important topics relating to the importance of Cord blood banking. This will help further increase your knowledge of the benefits and relevance of this form of health investment


Risks associated with Cord blood banking

Is Cord Blood Banking Worth It

Even with the exciting benefits associated with Cord blood banking, there are risks to using Cord blood for treating diseases. The main risk that may be a matter of concern to you is that Cord blood transplant patients are more vulnerable to infection in the first two to three months after undergoing a Cord blood transplant.

Prevalence among adolescents is great because they require a relatively large number of cells. 


Benefits of Umbilical Cord Banking 

Umbilical Cord blood cells stored in Cord blood banks have proven to be a valuable asset, and this is because they can be kept for a very long time, thereby providing you with a stable source of Cord blood cells. The banked cord blood cells can later be used to treat many threatening diseases that may emerge in the future.

Cord blood banking helps you create an advanced defense against some diseases, making it a very profitable investment for you.


Cost Wise, Is Cord Blood Banking Worth It?

Umbilical cord storage and collection attract a certain fee during processing. The cost of processing differs among various blood banks due to cord blood banks’ different collection and storage methods. Umbilical cord blood cell deposits made into public banks are entirely free of any charges.

Still, private blood banks require that collection and storage fees are paid before they can deliver their services. Yet, it’s an investment of immense gain because Cord blood cells possess unique therapeutic abilities that can prove helpful in later years. 


Pros and Cons of Cord Blood Banking

Is Cord Blood Banking Worth It? Let’s Look at Why It Is

1.      Umbilical cord blood is readily available

Embracing the innovative ideas of cord blood banking is genuinely worth it mainly because cord blood cells collected from your baby’s umbilical cord can be done in advance and stored. Due to this fact, cord blood cells can be made available upon request by anyone who needs them for treatment.

Umbilical cord blood cells are readily available for use in contrast to bone marrow or peripheral blood, allowing for faster transplanting time, making it more reliable and efficient.


2.      Umbilical cord blood transplants have a lower risk of viral infections

Another benefit to the use of cord blood cells is the reduced risk of viral infection, which can make cord blood cells suitable for use. This feature ensures the prevention of post-transplant complications on the person receiving the transplant, thereby ensuring their safety.

The less likely chance of cord blood cells recipient to have problems or infections after use gives it an edge over bone marrow transplants and makes them very beneficial.


3.      Cord blood cells play major supportive roles to the immune system during the treatment of cancer

While treating cancer, cord blood cells can play beneficial roles in helping to support the immune system. Their unique rebuilding ability aids the body in restoring body cells that could have been affected during treatment, which ensures the smooth running of general immuno-processes in the body even after treatment.


4.      Umbilical cord blood transplants do not require a perfect match

One exciting advantage of banking cord blood cells is that the donor and recipient’s stem cells do not necessarily need to match perfectly during treatment. This, in turn, implies that more people can receive and use cord blood cells to treat infectious diseases.


5.      Reduced risk of health complications for mother and baby

Collection and storage of cord blood cells are quickly done and poses no health risk to either the mother or child. Cord blood cells are collected from the umbilical cord after giving birth, and it is a relatively painless process, especially in comparison to bone marrow transplants.

The entire process from collection to storage is stress-free. This feature of cord blood banking ensures the safety and healthiness of the mother and child, which are indispensable for successful cord blood collection and storage.



Is Cord Blood Banking Worth It? Let’s Look at the Cons. 

1.      Stem cells collected from Cord blood are few

A single donor’s Cord blood may not be sufficient in the case of adult and adolescents stem cells to transplant and can, in turn, lead to requiring multiple donors.


2.      Not all Cord blood cells are eligible

Cord blood cells follow a thorough testing process to ensure that they meet requirements for storage to ensure the safety of patients that will later use them for treatment. However, not all Cord blood cells reach eligibility status and may end up being discarded.


Is Cord Blood Banking Worth It? Public vs Private Banking

Cord blood cells taken from your child’s umbilical cord can be privately kept in a private blood bank or donated to a public blood bank.

1.      Private blood banks

Private cord blood banks are cord blood banks that store cord blood for use by the depositing family. The cord blood cells stored in private cord blood banks belong to the depositing family, and they can only make important decisions on how it’s being used. These cord blood banks usually charge a fee for processing and an annual storage fee, making them quite expensive in contrast to public deposits. 

2.      Public blood banks

This type of cord blood bank collects and stores cord blood cells and makes them available for use by anyone who may need them for a transplant. Choosing to deposit your child’s cord blood cells in a public blood bank is an excellent idea because the bank covers all fees during collection and storage and excuses you from expenses associated with private donations. 


Considering the increase of disease outbreaks and genetic disorders globally and the benefits that come with Cord blood banking, you would realize that umbilical cord storage can prove to be a wise choice in the long run. Undoubtedly, Cord blood banking isn’t just immensely beneficial but also a wise and profitable choice.

If you’re ready to investigate further, we provide information on Cord blood banking options available in your area and comparisons between the different cord blood banks.