Is Cord Blood Banking: Is It Worth It?
Sometimes, your body system is disrupted by diseases or infections, affecting how your body functions. Your body may require treatment to restore the body system to its original healthy state, and these treatments may be in the form of a stem cell transplant. Let us consider the question, “Is cord blood banking worth it“?
Over the years, Cord blood banking proves to be a very beneficial method in ensuring health and has demonstrated its worth in treating devastating diseases.
Through this article, we shall discuss important topics relating to the importance of Cord blood banking. This will help further increase your knowledge of the benefits and relevance of this form of health investment.
Risks associated with Cord blood banking

Even with the exciting benefits associated with Cord blood banking, there are risks to using Cord blood for treating diseases. The main risk that may be a matter of concern to you is that Cord blood transplant patients are more vulnerable to infection in the first two to three months after undergoing a Cord blood transplant.
Prevalence among adolescents is great because they require a relatively large number of cells.
Benefits of Umbilical Cord Banking
Umbilical Cord blood cells stored in Cord blood banks have proven to be a valuable asset, and this is because they can be kept for a very long time, thereby providing you with a stable source of Cord blood cells. The banked cord blood cells can later be used to treat many threatening diseases that may emerge in the future.
Cord blood banking helps you create an advanced defense against some diseases, making it a very profitable investment for you.
Cost Wise, Is Cord Blood Banking Worth It?
Umbilical cord storage and collection attract a certain fee during processing. The cost of processing differs among various blood banks due to cord blood banks’ different collection and storage methods. Umbilical cord blood cell deposits made into public banks are entirely free of any charges.
Still, private blood banks require that collection and storage fees are paid before they can deliver their services. Yet, it’s an investment of immense gain because Cord blood cells possess unique therapeutic abilities that can prove helpful in later years.
Pros and Cons of Cord Blood Banking
Is Cord Blood Banking Worth It? Let’s Look at Why It Is
1. Umbilical cord blood is readily available
Embracing the innovative ideas of cord blood banking is genuinely worth it mainly because cord blood cells collected from your baby’s umbilical cord can be done in advance and stored. Due to this fact, cord blood cells can be made available upon request by anyone who needs them for treatment.
Umbilical cord blood cells are readily available for use in contrast to bone marrow or peripheral blood, allowing for faster transplanting time, making it more reliable and efficient.
2. Umbilical cord blood transplants have a lower risk of viral infections
Another benefit to the use of cord blood cells is the reduced risk of viral infection, which can make cord blood cells suitable for use. This feature ensures the prevention of post-transplant complications on the person receiving the transplant, thereby ensuring their safety.
The less likely chance of cord blood cells recipient to have problems or infections after use gives it an edge over bone marrow transplants and makes them very beneficial.
3. Cord blood cells play major supportive roles to the immune system during the treatment of cancer
While treating cancer, cord blood cells can play beneficial roles in helping to support the immune system. Their unique rebuilding ability aids the body in restoring body cells that could have been affected during treatment, which ensures the smooth running of general immuno-processes in the body even after treatment.
4. Umbilical cord blood transplants do not require a perfect match
One exciting advantage of banking cord blood cells is that the donor and recipient’s stem cells do not necessarily need to match perfectly during treatment. This, in turn, implies that more people can receive and use cord blood cells to treat infectious diseases.
5. Reduced risk of health complications for mother and baby
Collection and storage of cord blood cells are quickly done and poses no health risk to either the mother or child. Cord blood cells are collected from the umbilical cord after giving birth, and it is a relatively painless process, especially in comparison to bone marrow transplants.
The entire process from collection to storage is stress-free. This feature of cord blood banking ensures the safety and healthiness of the mother and child, which are indispensable for successful cord blood collection and storage.
Is Cord Blood Banking Worth It? Let’s Look at the Cons.
1. Stem cells collected from Cord blood are few
A single donor’s Cord blood may not be sufficient in the case of adult and adolescents stem cells to transplant and can, in turn, lead to requiring multiple donors.
2. Not all Cord blood cells are eligible
Cord blood cells follow a thorough testing process to ensure that they meet requirements for storage to ensure the safety of patients that will later use them for treatment. However, not all Cord blood cells reach eligibility status and may end up being discarded.
Is Cord Blood Banking Worth It? Public vs Private Banking
Cord blood cells taken from your child’s umbilical cord can be privately kept in a private blood bank or donated to a public blood bank.
1. Private blood banks
Private cord blood banks are cord blood banks that store cord blood for use by the depositing family. The cord blood cells stored in private cord blood banks belong to the depositing family, and they can only make important decisions on how it’s being used. These cord blood banks usually charge a fee for processing and an annual storage fee, making them quite expensive in contrast to public deposits.
2. Public blood banks
This type of cord blood bank collects and stores cord blood cells and makes them available for use by anyone who may need them for a transplant. Choosing to deposit your child’s cord blood cells in a public blood bank is an excellent idea because the bank covers all fees during collection and storage and excuses you from expenses associated with private donations.
Considering the increase of disease outbreaks and genetic disorders globally and the benefits that come with Cord blood banking, you would realize that umbilical cord storage can prove to be a wise choice in the long run. Undoubtedly, Cord blood banking isn’t just immensely beneficial but also a wise and profitable choice.
If you’re ready to investigate further, we provide information on Cord blood banking options available in your area and comparisons between the different cord blood banks.