About Us- Check Out the Bankingumbilicalcordblood.com Team

Who Are We?

Hi. I’m Trevor, and the guy who heads up Bankingumbilicalcordblood.com. My wife (Cathy) and I live in Western Australia. We are X-school teachers with an adventurous spirit and seven crazy kids… and one grandchild! Would you believe our family lived eight years on a remote tropical island?

Where It All Began

Our interest in online enterprise began ten years ago when affiliate marketing became the rage. Today we are professional ecommerce business owners with a portfolio of websites providing information to people covering a range of subjects.

About Bankingumbilicalcordblood.com

Banking Umbilical Cord Blood, one of our more recent projects, provides information to expectant parents on the collection and storage of stem cells from the umbilical cord of their baby. Although the process is much the same all over the world, the costs, regulations, and availability of the service differs.

We research and write articles to help our viewers with understanding the processes and to compare cord blood banks near to them.

Where We Benefit

Our articles are accompanied by adverts from cord blood banks. If you visit their web sites by clicking the adverts on our site, we receive a small fee paid by them.

Our Team

Our Team consists of Cathy, me, and guest writers who help us with researching and writing our articles. Our guest writers are not affiliated with any cord blood banks or their services.

Our Goal with Bankingumbilicalcordblood.com

Over time we will grow the content on this website aiming to be the go-to place for people seeking unbiased information on umbilical cord blood banking worldwide.


We hope you find our site useful. Thank you for visiting Bankingumbilicalcordblood.com. We welcome comments or questions from viewers.

Best Wishes

Cath and Trev


Our Other Projects

If interested, you may like to check out our other projects:

Fun Youth Group Games for Kids

Cat Food Advisor

Wacki App

Fun Youth Group Games

Enterprise for Kids