With the recent surges in the number of people living with infectious diseases and the unpredictable occurrence of pandemics globally, insuring your life and that of your loved ones against infections and diseases is inarguably a top priority. With their unique therapeutic ability, the benefits of saving umbilical cord blood cannot be over-emphasized.
Cord blood cells provide the kind of protection needed to help fight against several diseases that adversely affect your body.
There are elaborate, concise, and explanatory details on the benefits of saving stem cells in this content. This information will better orientate and give you undeniable reasons why practicing Cord blood storage is beneficial.
Different Medical Benefits of Saving Umbilical Cord Stem Cells

Stem cells have unique regenerative features and are potent for treating various disorders, including leukemia, diabetes, heart diseases, blood diseases, etc. The use of stem cells to treat multiple ailments is advantageous, especially if you are among those who can’t bear the thought/idea of going through reconstructive surgery to alleviate chronic medical conditions.
We’re more than delighted to inform you that the benefits in line with umbilical cord blood cell treatment have significantly increased over the years. You have nothing to worry about because this section is geared towards shedding more light on cord blood benefits.
· Immune Deficiency
Nowadays, Immunodeficiency is a common health condition amongst people from all walks of life. It interrupts your body’s capability to defend itself against disease-causing organisms, including bacteria, viruses, and parasites. There are mainly two types of immunodeficiency disorders, namely primary and secondary Immunodeficiency.
The primary type is usually hereditary and is present during birth. In contrast, the second type often results from complications from using certain drugs or other primary disorders like diabetes or HIV.
The ability of stem cells to regenerate makes it very effective in treating immune deficiencies. Moreover, stem cells possess the unique ability to regulate the immune system to shut off pathological responses while keeping their ability to fight against invading disease-causing organisms present in your body.
· Leukemia
Leukemia is a medical condition referring to the loss of the original structure of the white blood cells. This condition affects the functionality of these cells, therefore exposing the body to germs and infections. It’s a form of blood cancer that makes the white blood cells in the bone marrow harmful to your body system.
Stem cells have profound effects in treating leukemia, and this is because stem cell transplants are used to replace cells in the bone marrow that have been affected by the actions of leukemia. Umbilical cord blood cell transplant is an excellent technique for tackling leukemia.
· Blood Diseases
Blood diseases generally refer to the infection of blood cells, especially the three main components of the blood. This includes red blood cells, which carry oxygen to all tissue in the body; white blood cells help fight against infections; and platelets, which allow the blood to clot.
Blood disorders are also responsible for the disease of the liquid portion of blood, called plasma. Symptoms associated with blood disorders include fatigue and indiscriminate loss of weight. Examples of this type of infection include anemia, hemophilia, thalassemia, polycythemia Vera, malaria, lymphoma, etc.
Stem cell therapy does a lot in helping to restore the most vital body fluid in the body system back to life, as the new cord blood cell, which is transplanted, can help find and destroy cancerous cells in the body, and in turn, help build up healthy blood cells.
· Metabolic Disorders
Metabolic disorders are considered to be among the deadliest diseases worldwide, and this is because it affects significant numbers of the global population. They are medical conditions usually present at birth and occurs when abnormal chemical reactions disrupt normal metabolic processes in your body.
They encompass deficiencies in enzymes involved in the breakdown and build-up of carbohydrates, amino acids, and fatty acids. The enzymatic actions on specific organs control metabolic activities and functional parts in your body.
Regenerating stem cells play beneficial and essential roles in treating any form of metabolic deficiency, which means that you may not have to undergo an organ transplant or other form of metabolic treatment to put your metabolism back in shape. Furthermore, stem cells transplants help to prevent post-surgical complications and reduce pain allied with surgical operation minimally.
What’s Contained in an Umbilical Cord
The umbilical cord is a tube-like structure between the baby and mother. It helps to connect your baby to you through your placenta. The umbilical cord assists in the transport of nutrients and food materials from the mother to the baby.
It consists of three blood vessels– one vein that carries food and oxygen from the placenta to your baby and two arteries that function as a pathway in taking waste materials from your baby back to the placenta.
The umbilical cord contains Wharton’s jelly; a gelatinous fluid essentially made up of mucopolysaccharide. The mucoid connective tissue forms around the two arteries and one vein of the umbilical cord.
Whose Stem Blood Is It (Mother or baby)
You may have always wanted to know whose stem blood would be collected and stored for treatment in the future; we’re happy to tell you that you’re covered on this and don’t need to worry any longer. The umbilical cord is part of the developing baby/fetus, and this, in turn, implies that the stem cells to be used belongs to the baby.
Final Thoughts – Benefits of Saving Umbilical Cord Stem Cells
Undoubtedly, after going through this section on benefits of saving umbilical cord blood, you would see that cord blood cells are beneficial and effective at treating significant numbers of deadly and infectious diseases in the body. Thus, stem cells play vital roles and help combat health issues in your body system.
Private cord blood banking whereby utilizing the benefits of saving umbilical cord blood for your direct family is available to expected parents through numerous cord blood banks. Donating your baby’s umbilical cord stem cells for medical science and to be available for other families in need, is a generous gesture, Public cord blood banks are common and most maternity hospitals will facilitate the process.